ENG 416/516 Announcements & Assignments

Fall 2020

Student Assignments

Introduction from Dr. Kells

Welcome back to the University of New Mexico!

I write and I teach for the love writers and writing. We don’t need a lot of things to become good writers. We just need the right things. With the uncertainties of the current public health crisis, we are all simplifying our lives, culling the stuff of daily existence down to the things that we really need and limiting our exposure to toxic environments.


Week of August 17


Reading Journal Guidelines

Week of August 24


Small Group Writing Circle Guidelines

Ready to submit your assignment?

Upload your assignment to our Google Drive

Course Materials



Coming soon!


Contact Me

Do you have coursework questions or need to submit your YouTube video projects? Click here to email me.


Click here to Subscribe to my YouTube Channel. I will save your video submissions to our class Playlist and share on our course website.